Sunday, October 25, 2009

Subaru will present a serial hybrid in 2012

Subaru Hybrid

The first hybrid in modelling number Subaru will appear in three years. It on a motor show in Tokyo has declared Ikuo Mori, president Fuji Heavy Industries — the company making cars under mark Subaru, informs Automotive News.

The first electromobile from Subaru

By words Exhaust, first hybrid Subaru, most likely, there is a new compact model. Which - is not specified yet. It is known only, that with working out of a hybrid power-plant of the Japanese company helps Toyota Motor, owning 16,5% share holding Subaru.

First hybrid prototype Subaru has been presented in 2005: the car constructed on platform Legacy also was equipped with a 2-l turbo-engine. Between the engine and transmission the additional electromotor power 10Kw took places.

The electric motor in this case was used only at a stage of the beginning of movement of the car, and also at active dispersal. Total power of a hybrid power-plant makes 260HP, and the maximum twisting moment reaches 350Нм.

Four-seater hatchback Subaru Hybrid Tourer

On a present motor show to Tokyo, Subaru Motor has presented one more hybrid — the big hatchback with four landing places and huge doors of type lambo.
As the basic power unit the new 2-l engine with direct injection of the fuel, placed in a forward part of the car here is used. Besides the engine in hybrid installation there are two more electric motors — 10Kw the electromotor located in front, and 20Kw — behind.

On prospects of a batch production of this model it is informed nothing.

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