Monday, October 26, 2009

Nissan works over new generation of accumulators

Nissan Leaf

Company Nissan plans to increase considerably duration of run of serial electrocars that will allow to take in the lead positions in the given segment.

Nissan Motor to become full determination of the leader

Nissan Motor has serious intentions to be the leader on manufacture of serial electromobiles or at least the owner of the technologies, capable to provide similar position. It was unambiguously declared by the president of company Carlos Ghosn, speaking about plans of working out of new storage batteries.

It is a question of accumulators which will have capacity and a power charge several times big, than it is li-ionic the batteries which are at present not till the end of fulfilled technology in the autoindustry. Thus new batteries will be much easier is li-ionic, assures Ghosn. Not clear there is only a question concerning their cost and working out terms.

Nissan Motor has refused cooperation with NEC Corp.

Despite lacking official details concerning a technical part, it is known, that in working out of new batteries Nissan Motor is engaged independently, i.e. without participation of the basic partner in the field of working out it is li-ionic batteries, Japanese NEC Corp.

As to technical characteristics some informal data already are called. In particular it is supposed, that new batteries can increase run without additional charge preparing for an exit by the market of electromobile Nissan Leaf with 150 to without small 650 km. If it appears close to true break for electrocars Nissan is provided. Thus the president of the company has specified, that Nissan does not intend at all to use working out alone and under corresponding conditions to share an innovation with other motor-car manufacturers.

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