Sunday, October 25, 2009

Nissan prepares an electromobile on platform NV200

Electrocar Nissan

The car promise to make accessible under the price, thus pluses of the commercial electromobile intended for every possible needs already are now obvious.

Electroupdating of commercial transport

Nissan Motor continues to expand the activity in the field of working out of mass electromobiles. On turn sector of commercial transport — this sector can appear the most demanded.

At opening ceremony of the International motor show in Tokyo the president of the company Carlos Ghosn has made loud enough statement, having made the announcement of multipurpose model NV200 EV on electrodraught.

According to president Nissan Motor, prospects at similar model are rather wide.

The main task which should be solved to developers, final cost of a similar electromobile in the market is. In this occasion it has not been given any comments except that «commercial electrocar should have low cost».
At present cost is not sounded even approximately. It is not given also concrete terms of occurrence of the car in the market, but, apparently, it should be expected within the next 2-3 years.

Nissan Motor data does not disclose

The question technical aspect too is not opened, in particular, Ghosn has not given any comments concerning range of run of a similar electromobile.

Nissan Motor will publish details in process of project development. And at present the company has extended a unique sketch of version NV200 EV on electrodraught.

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