Friday, July 31, 2009

Adding a Car Nitrous

ZEX Nitrous System Kit (Honda Civic Hybrid 2003-2007) - $ 637.45

Retail Price: 797.99
You Save: $160.54

Majority of the people confuse the "brand name" "NOS" with the gas used to boost up the car's speed or accelerate it for some moment which is known as dinitrous mono oxide or simply N2O.In recent years it has gained a lot of popularity for car racers or other enthusiasts which give them a slight edge from others in respect of speed and acceleration.Thanks to "Need For Speed"(computer game) and "Fast And The Furious"(movie) where this gas has been glamourized and created many customers for it.However you will be amazed to know that the same gas is used in "medical department" as an anaesthesia!!!Amazing!! isn't it??But the medical version of the gas is much more acceptable (if you dont get dizzy after having a dose of it :-) ) as car grade nitros have hydrogen sulphide added into them which makes them a nasty gas to inhale as they can cause lung tissues rupture.So observe high caution.

N20 were initially used in aircrafts to boost up the aircrafts's engines which eventually car racers felt fit for their "dragging and drifting"purpose and became prominent among them.Another misconception about "NOS" among the amature is that it works on the phenomenon of rocket fuel where the rocket fuel creates a thrust and propells the rocket upwards,but this is not the case with "NOS".The effective thing about this gas is its rapid change of form from solid to gas which makes it very likely to quickly absorb lot of heat and giving a cooling effect and creates favourable environment for more oxygen intake and thus more efficient working of the engine.If you are not aware of this phenomenon then read the article purpose of induction kits.Thus "NOS" acts as our body sweat where your body heat is transferred in form of your sweat vapors thus cooling your body.But mark me!!! This is only the side benefit of "NOS".

ZEX Polished Nitrous System Kit (Honda Civic Hybrid 2003-2007) - $ 706.51

Retail Price: 883.99
You Save: $177.48

The main benefit of this gas is its chemical formula "N2O".When N2o is combusted it breaks down into its costituents thus releasing oxygen in the engine which helps in burning of more fuel and generates more power to the engine.10lb of N20 will be able to drag you to7-10 miles.However adding a pair of "NOS" cylinders in your car trunk and converting it into operational condition does not turn you into a pro-racer.You ought to know the manual operation of it i.e when to press the "NOS" button or what are the conditions favouring it??

The main problem of "NOS" is that it does not do the trick all alone.You have to supply ample amount of fuel to burn to achieve the desired result and obviously not all the engines will be able to endure this so your engine,like you has to be a "tough guy" .Including this you have to be conscious when to press the "NOS" button.The right time to press the button which is recommended by the experts is at minimum 2500 rpm.Moreover be careful of the loss of traction which is obvious at sudden acceleration or your "N2O" will prove itself to be even more expensive!!!And at last!! Do not press the NOS button while you start your engine or you will hear some series of small or one big explosion trying to express that "your engine is no longer going to serve you".

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1 comment:

  1. Hi,
    I am Mohammad Saad ul haq. The Creator of the blog After researching the internet, I came to know that two of the articles from my blog has been copied on the topics "Nitrous System" and "Induction Kits".
    The purpose of the blog is purely educational therefore I do not want you to remove these articles. However I want you to please link back to us.
    Linking back to us with appropriate keywords can be seen from the blog
    I wish that you act upon this request.
    Mohammad Saad
    Car Modification


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